"Twenty years after the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, where countries adopted Agenda 21 - a blueprint to rethink economic growth, advance social equity and ensure environmental protection - the UN is again bringing together governments, international institutions and major groups to agree on a range of smart measures that can reduce poverty while promoting decent jobs, clean energy and a more sustainable and fair use of resources."The many topics of the 2012 conference will be organised under two main themes:
2) the institutional framework for sustainable development.
A delegation from the Australian National University will be attending the conference, consisting of undergraduate and postgraduate students from a wide range of disciplines. This blog will be a place for them to post their reflections and research, make connections, and more.
A delegation from the Australian National University will be attending the conference, consisting of undergraduate and postgraduate students from a wide range of disciplines. This blog will be a place for them to post their reflections and research, make connections, and more.
Following Australia's position at Rio+20
The ANU Student Delegation has been involved in researching and following Australia's negotiating position towards Rio+20. We will be closely following Australia's movements at the Rio+20 conference and seeking to meet with key members of the Government delegation.
Information on Australia's involvement in Rio+20 can be found on their website. Extracts from the Australia @ Rio+20 website are below:
Australia at Rio+20
Australia has actively engaged in the preparatory process for Rio+20 to date. Australia is currently undertaking further work to develop and define its approach to Rio+20.
Australia’s preparations for Rio+20 are co-led by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Australia is keen to work closely with other countries to achieve strong and practical outcomes at the Rio+20 Conference. Australia has a national and international commitment to sustainable development. We are engaged actively at international, regional and national levels to promote sustainable development and keen both to share our experience and learn from other nations.
Australia's input
Outcome recommendations
In November 2011, Australia lodged its preliminary views concerning the Rio+20 outcomes. The submission seeks to: improve regional approaches to marine resource and ecosystem management (the 'blue economy'); strengthen food security and water use efficiency; improve biodiversity conservation; promote sustainable mining practices; better measure sustainability; and reform the United Nations institutional framework to drive and support sustainable development efforts.
- Read Australia's Submission to the Rio+20 Compilation Document | (PDF version - 97 KB)
- More about inputs to the Compilation Document
Australia’s submission, together with those from other countries and members of civil society, will be reviewed and a draft Rio+20 outcomes document will be prepared by the United Nations secretariat. This draft will be refined at a series of international negotiation meetings in the lead-up to the Rio+20 Conference in June 2012. Australia will be an active player in this negotiation process.
Objectives and themes
In December 2010, along with other Member States, Australia submitted its initial views on the experiences, success factors, risks and challenges with regard to the objective and themes for Rio+20 in response to a Questionnaire from the United Nations Secretariat.
More information
Hi ANU Rio+20 team members. Thanks for your posts to date. Is anyone following the culture theme e.g. Agenda 21 for Culture? I would be grateful for any comments on this. Is culture getting much serious attention at all? Veronica Bullock, PhD candidate, ANU.